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Projet Viv-Action Jeunesse

Fundraising completed on September 30, 2024

Goal: $25,000 ; Achieved: $28,585 + $25,000 Fonds Mille et Un

We Did It !

Thanks to your incredible support, we have finally reached the end of our fundraising campaign with La Ruche.
Every donation, share, and word of encouragement has helped us get there, and we couldn't have done it without this amazing community.

Free Mental Health Services for Young Adults

Thanks to our Projet Viv-Action Jeunesse, we are now offering free mental health services to young adults across Quebec until at least August 30th, 2025. If you, or if someone you know, fits the criteria below, book an appointment under "Young Adults Mental Health (Free)".

Who you are:

  • Age 18 to 29 years old.

  • In need of improving your mental health.

  • Limited in access to insurance coverage.

  • Not currently being followed by a mental healthcare provider.

What we offer:

  • Fully free mental health evaluations and support with no hidden costs.

  • Modern and inclusive facilities with in person and online services.

  • Interdisciplinary treatment plans.

  • Access to selective services based on availabilities.

Carla F.

I am fortunate to fit the criteria’s of the free young adult mental health service Clinique Vivago has to offer for youth between 18-29.

My psychosocial case manager is brilliant!

I appreciate her listening as well as her energy. She brings back aspects of our previous sessions so that we can continue the work as we move forward.


She’s ready to welcome me where I’m at and challenges me, as per my request, to dig deeper into my emotional processing.

Pierre-Anne A.

J’ai découvert la clinique grâce à leur nouveau programme de rendez-vous en santé mentale gratuite pour les jeunes adultes et j’aimerais dire un gros merci pour cette belle initiative à tous ceux qui y en font partie.


J’ai apprécie la facilité de communication ainsi que l'approche très amicale, ça m’a permis de me détendre rapidement et de me confier comme si j’étais avec une bonne amie.


Je recommande fortement le programme aux jeunes adultes qui comme moi se sentent anxieux et toujours pressés dans cette vie qui avance à vitesse grand.


Le fait que les rendez-vous sont gratuits aident grandement puisque je suis étudiante et ce n’est jamais évident de recevoir de l’aide en santé mentale à prix réduit, un gros merci à ceux qui donnent de leur temps et aux investissements dans un tel programme.

Isabelle G.H.

J'ai eu la chance de recevoir des services gratuits dans le cadre du programme Viv-action Jeunesse, et j'en suis énormément reconnaissante.


Merci pour la bienveillance, l'écoute et la présence! Ça ma offre un espace accueillant pour les personnes queer, racisées et neurodivergentes.


J'espère que ce programme pourra être étendu sur le long-terme. :)

Group therapy, workshops, Clinique Vivago, mental health
Projet Viv-action jeunesse is part of the 2021-2024 Youth Action Plan and is supported in part by the Fonds Mille et Un (FM1) of the Youth Secretariat of the Government of Quebec!
Each contribution raised was doubled by the FM1 of the Government of Quebec up to $25,000, helping us provide free mental health care for young adults in our community.
In addition, we have the support of community organizations GRIS Montréal, P-Flag and ENSEMBLE for respecting diversity.
Sponsored by Fonds Mille et Un du Gouvernement du Québec and campaign is available through La Ruche

Thank You to Our Partners

Thank you to our partners for all their support and for launching us towards our goal and beyond.

We couldn't have done it without you.

Fonds mille et un
Fondation Jasmin Roy et Sophie Desmarais
Groupe Banque TD
PSB Boisjoli

Clinique de santé inclusive Vivago inc.

Tel: 514-761-23GO (2346)

Fax: (514) 905-9778

2SLGBTQIA+ flag and transgender flag, Clinique Vivago, Montréal, Québec
Montréal Public Transit, STM, Clinique Vivago, Montréal, Québec, Accessible Clinic, Elevator Access and Near Metro


Be Well.

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©2024 Clinique de santé inclusive Vivago Inc.

2170 boul René Lévesque Ouest, Suite 200

Montreal, Quebec, H3H 2T8

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